Woolavington Village Nursery

Woolavington Village Nursery


Woolavington Nursery is a school nursery, which strives to be fully inclusive.

Our learning environment is open planned and has an access ramp into the main entrance, this also leads out into our garden. It enables all children to move around the room at their own pace encouraging independence and confidence.

Each child is allocated a key person who will observe and support each child’s progress throughout their time at nursery.

Each term parents will receive an update on their child’s progress, this will include two ‘next steps’ targets which we will work on over the following term. The targets are shared with parents to ensure that we are working in collaboration with the families.

At Woolavington Nursery we understand that some children may need some additional support, including children who may have medical needs, during their time with us. Some may require additional support from staff within the nursery for a short period of time. Other children may need long term support with the possibility of outside agencies coming to work with the children to support staff.

Where a child is identified as having a difficulty within an area of learning we would first discuss this with parents before developing a plan using the ‘Assess, Plan Do Review’ cycle. This plan will outline next steps such as targeted support to be carried out within the nursery. The support would then take place; this is the ‘Do’ part of the system. The staff member leading the support would then ‘Assess’ the progress made and ‘Review’ the support given. This may lead to a referral to an outside specialist agency. 

The Nursery Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) works with staff and parents to manage children’s needs by continually sharing information and evidence linked to the children’s learning and development with parents. 

To support a child with additional need(s) further, it may be appropriate to develop more targeted support such as a SEND Support Plan, which includes our ‘Plan, Do, Assess & Review’ system. This plan may lead to a more specialist service being contacted to ensure the child’s needs are being met. In accordance with our SEND Policy and in line with the SEND Code of Practice and Equalities Act, we will work in partnership with children and their families along with any other relevant agencies involved. Woolavington Nursery endeavour to support the inclusion of all children, and as far as possible, adapt the nursery to meet their needs while providing a high-quality childcare provision.

At Woolavington Nursery there are many opportunities for parents to discuss their child’s progress. We provide daily feedback via verbal conversations. We offer an ‘open door’ policy with management. We have termly report’s and additional meetings if required. We encourage parents to share any feedback or correspondence from meetings with other agencies involved with their child. This ensures our excellent partnership with staff and families and to ensure that we can continue to adapt and develop our provision to support each child’s changing needs. 

For more information

Contact the Nursery on: 01278 683267

Email: nursery@woolavingtonprimaryschool.org.uk


Please click on the link below for our School SEND Information.

Woolavington School SEND Information