Woolavington Village Primary School

Woolavington Village Primary School

School Uniform

School Uniform at Woolavington Village Primary School

At Woolavington Village Primary School we expect all children to follow the dress code below. Complying with this dress code helps to avoid arguments at home about what is suitable to wear to school and also provides children with a sense of equality and belonging to our school family. 

We have second hand uniform, this is available from the School Office, please do come and ask if you would like to have a look. 

We also offer a school logo badge service, so please do buy affordable uniform from supermarkets, in our school colours, then bring them into the School Office in a named bag and we will heat press a logo on for you.

We ask that all of your child's uniform is named. You can purchase easy to use name labels from www.stikins.co.uk. If you purchase any from their website, please can you use our schools fundraising number of 25904. This will enable our PTA to receive a 30% commission from any purchases made.

School uniform can be purchased from Conceptwear (01934 644582)


School Uniform

Boys -

School logo dark Royal Blue crew neck sweatshirt only

White plain or logoed polo shirt

Black trousers

Black tailored shorts for summer wear

Black school shoes – no trainers

Plain black or white socks

Girls -

School logo dark Royal Blue crew neck sweatshirt or cardigan only

White plain or school logoed polo shirt

Black trousers, skirt or pinafore dress with plain black or white socks/tights

Blue gingham dress with white socks or black tailored shorts for summer wear

Black flat heeled school shoes – no trainers

PE Kit

In the interest of hygiene and safety we require all children to change for PE activities. Your child will need:

Plain or logoed white t-shirt

Black shorts

Daps/plain trainers

Optional; plain black jogging bottoms and royal blue plain or logoed hoodie for winter

Swimming kit for when your child goes swimming.

General organisation and appearance

Hair should be in a style suitable for school and a natural colour. Long hair only needs to be tied up for PE for health and safety reasons. Hair accessories are to be small and in school colours – no JoJo bows.

Children are not allowed to wear makeup, temporary/transfer tattoos or nail varnish to school. No jewellery other than simple ear studs should be worn to school and where possible these should be removed or covered for PE and swimming.

Please make sure all items are clearly marked with your child’s name. Lost property is situated outside the main entrance and is emptied half termly.