Woolavington Village Primary School

Woolavington Village Primary School

Snow and Bad Weather

In the event of extreme weather e.g. heavy, settled snow or widespread freezing rain, we will make every effort to keep the school open.

If the weather is severe and you are not sure if the school will open, you can visit our school's website to confirm this.

In extreme weather, some or all schools may be closed and this information will be broadcast by:

Heart FM 102.6 FM (Taunton) www.heart.co.uk/somerset

BBC Somerset 95.5 FM www.bbc.co.uk/bbcsomerset

If the school is closed for the day due to extreme weather, a decision on whether the school will open the next day will be made after midday.

If severe conditions develop during the day, the Headteacher will send children home only if a named adult is available to collect them from school.

A member of staff will remain on the premises until all children have been safely collected.